useful links
Community Law Waikato
Free legal help in the Waikato.
FinCap - Building Financial Capability
FinCap is non-government organisation which supports 200 free financial capability and budgeting services in their work.
We advocate for change in the building financial capability sector to help prevent people from getting into financial hardship in New Zealand.
Financial capability and budgeting services can help anybody who wants to gain control of their money – with FinCap, you’ve got it together.
Work and Income New Zealand
We are here to help you financially if you're on a low income or not working, support you into work and help you find housing
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Thames
We help people to know and understand their rights
Commerce Commission New Zealand
We enforce competition, fair trading and consumer credit contracts laws.
Inland Revenue Department of New Zealand (IRD)
Information to help you get your taxes and entitlements right
New Zealand's free, independent money guide. Backed by the Commission for Financial Capability.
Our aim to help Kiwi's retire with confidence. Sorted is the trusted source of free, impartial financial information and resources for the 1.3 million New Zealanders who use it every year.
New Zealand Insolvency and Trustee Service
Administers all bankruptcies, No Asset Procedures, Debt Repayment Orders and some liquidations.